Caffeine boosts oxandrolone and shows us you should use caffeine with all orals



Well-known member
Imagine: you're a careful user of anabolic steroids. You occasionally take a course of oxandrolone only, and that's all you want. If this is your way of doing things, then Portuguese doping researchers may have discovered something that'll interest you. They suspect that you can get more out of oxandrolone if you take extra caffeine.

The Portuguese, who work for the doping lab Laboratorio de Analises de Dopagem, were tipped by the police that some Portuguese steroids users swear by a combination of caffeine and oxandrolone. The researchers were curious to know more about the potential use of this combination, so they consulted the literature.
They came across studies which show that caffeine can boost the uptake and effect of paracetamol. [J Clin Pharmacol. 2007 Jun;47(6):715-26.] So, they reasoned, might caffeine have the same effect when taken with oxandrolone?
Imagine: you're a careful user of anabolic steroids. You occasionally take a course of oxandrolone only, and that's all you want. If this is your way of doing things, then Portuguese doping researchers may have discovered something that'll interest you. They suspect that you can get more out of oxandrolone if you take extra caffeine.
To answer this question the researchers performed an experiment in which they gave a subject, whose caffeine consumption was a normal three small espressos a day, a miniscule quantity [0.4 mg] of oxandrolone.
The researchers then monitored the amount of caffeine, oxandrolone and the inactive oxandrolone metabolite epioxandrolone [structural formula shown here] in the subject's urine for the next 40 hours. The figure below shows the amounts found in the first 14 hours. Click on it for the full figure.

Imagine: you're a careful user of anabolic steroids. You occasionally take a course of oxandrolone only, and that's all you want. If this is your way of doing things, then Portuguese doping researchers may have discovered something that'll interest you. They suspect that you can get more out of oxandrolone if you take extra caffeine.

Imagine: you're a careful user of anabolic steroids. You occasionally take a course of oxandrolone only, and that's all you want. If this is your way of doing things, then Portuguese doping researchers may have discovered something that'll interest you. They suspect that you can get more out of oxandrolone if you take extra caffeine.

Imagine: you're a careful user of anabolic steroids. You occasionally take a course of oxandrolone only, and that's all you want. If this is your way of doing things, then Portuguese doping researchers may have discovered something that'll interest you. They suspect that you can get more out of oxandrolone if you take extra caffeine.

The researchers then repeated the experiment, but gave the subject 300 mg caffeine in pill form. The figure above [click on it for a complete figure] shows that the amount of oxandrolone and epioxandrolone rose by a factor of 20 and 15 respectively.
The researchers think their experiment may show that caffeine causes a considerable improvement in the uptake of oxandrolone by the body. "Practically this means that similar concentrations/effects may be achieved using lower dosages", they write. "Other anabolic steroids should also be investigated."

take home points of this study is taken caffeine with orals could boost the effects of them.


Also if you dont drink much tea or coffee they act as a superb pre even on it's own.
Propa Matcha Tea (tried it today) is epic.
I've got no pre supps at the mo so shared a pot of coffee with wifey, she then bought me a Matcha Tea (with coconut rice milk) firstly it was bloody lovely and secondly I've had no drop off at all.

My advice is keep caffeine use low in general, use a stim free pre for focus and stamina, your oral of choice, if any, and Boom, great well focused sesh.

It's worth mentioning that when ON we need to watch out for high Cortisol levels as it can be very catabolic and deleterious for health. We put so much strain on the system as it is.
Excuse the hijack/tangent chaps
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
I hate caffeine/coffee. Gives me chest pains and breathing issues. I take half a tab of the myprotein pills pre-workout as a stim but I avoid caffeine in general. I don't even drink tea anymore and that pisses me off coz I always enjoyed a good strong brew with 3-4 tea bags and plenty of milk/sugar.


Well-known member
I hate caffeine/coffee. Gives me chest pains and breathing issues. I take half a tab of the myprotein pills pre-workout as a stim but I avoid caffeine in general. I don't even drink tea anymore and that pisses me off coz I always enjoyed a good strong brew with 3-4 tea bags and plenty of milk/sugar.
That pill would work perfectly


I hate caffeine/coffee. Gives me chest pains and breathing issues. I take half a tab of the myprotein pills pre-workout as a stim but I avoid caffeine in general. I don't even drink tea anymore and that pisses me off coz I always enjoyed a good strong brew with 3-4 tea bags and plenty of milk/sugar.
Have you ever looked at why this is bud? Possible cardiovascular issue?
Caffeine is a double edged sword for sure, I too use it sparingly.
I recall a session a couple of years ago where I tried some new pre workout stim, double dose hit forgetting I'd also had 40mg of dmma and physically seeing my heart thumping out of my chest half way through training. I mean what on earth! I was already stacked up to the eyeballs and likely an sdrol pre too.
No boast, just highlighting some reckless behaviour and that it's worth keeping caffeine intake moderate day to day only to use it when/if required.

I too leave 2no teabags in my cup! Yumm
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Have you ever looked at why this is bud? Possible cardiovascular issue?
Caffeine is a double edged sword for sure, I too use it sparingly.
I recall a session a couple of years ago where I tried some new pre workout stim, double dose hit forgetting I'd also had 40mg of dmma and physically seeing my heart thumping out of my chest half way through training. I mean what on earth! I was already stacked up to the eyeballs and likely an sdrol pre too.
No boast, just highlighting some reckless behaviour and that it's worth keeping caffeine intake moderate day to day only to use it when/if required.

I too leave 2no teabags in my cup! Yumm

I suffer with stress and worry about things too much sometimes and it affects my blood pressure and cortisol levels. I also drink too much alcohol. If I've got caffeine in my system throughout the day when my stress levels go up it literally feels like I'm gonna have a heart attack. Major chest pains and a tingling sensation in my arms. A little boost 1 hour before training is all I can handle and I have to be in the zone for training and not thinking about work and money etc. It's a serious problem for me. Some people I work with get through 6-8 cups of coffee a day. Fuck knows how they manage to drink that much or why they even need it.


I suffer with stress and worry about things too much sometimes and it affects my blood pressure and cortisol levels. I also drink too much alcohol. If I've got caffeine in my system throughout the day when my stress levels go up it literally feels like I'm gonna have a heart attack. Major chest pains and a tingling sensation in my arms. A little boost 1 hour before training is all I can handle and I have to be in the zone for training and not thinking about work and money etc. It's a serious problem for me. Some people I work with get through 6-8 cups of coffee a day. Fuck knows how they manage to drink that much or why they even need it.
Indeed. I can pulse it here and there but my days of constantly being stimmed are gone, got to consider longevity.

Please get yourself checked out brother.
The symptoms you are talking of (especially stress related) are a concern.
Please at least do an econsult.

In my serious opinion you should get some bloods drawn, ecg etc.
I have a heart condition and had an episode that put my on my arse for 7 weeks in 2019.
I've learned a lot about cardiovascular health and issues around it.
I dont want to scare monger at all but out of genuine respect and concern please do an econsult my friend.