New member
Hi gents. Currently on my 4th cycle been running test e was originally doing .8 Sunday and Wednesday it’s worked a treat lifts are up getting lots of compliments sex drive went up massively like i am teenager again sex drive settled down about week 7 ish. On week 10 I’ve added Masteron p so for last 3 weeks been doing .5test e .5 mast p Monday Wednesday and Friday. I know I’ll be waiting about 8 weeks to see benefit the mast but already feel less water weight and the nipples are no longer sensitive so mast is working. I have had a headache for about a week now quite mild but annoying so I checked my blood pressure and it was high. It does settle down but have to be chilled for an hour for it to go back to normal. Not sure weather to lower the dosages or run one higher than the other. Thanks