What is Masteron Enanthate?
Drostanolone Enanthate
Masteron enanthate is a performance-enhancing drug most commonly associated with pre-competition cycles. It is very subtle in its effects and works synergistically with other drugs to help create an overall leaner and denser physique.
Athletes, especially those involved in sports which require bouts of speed also favour Masteron enanthate thanks to its ability to promote solid, lean mass with little to no side effects. Masteron e works best on those with low body fat levels.
The characteristics of Masteron enanthate allow it to release into the bloodstream much slower than the propionate ester. Similar to test enanthate. Running a cycle of Masteron enanthate will require a 2x weekly injection frequency.
Over the years Masteron has become known as a relatively ‘weak’ steroid. However, Masteron cannot be compared to the likes of deca, or tren. Masteron works best as ‘the icing on the cake’ so to speak. When at low body fat levels, Masteron can help tighten the muscles and offer a more grainy and tight look to the muscle.
Rarely would Masteron be run solo. It offers very little as a standalone steroid. Using Masteron outside of a cutting cycle has also left people disappointed.
Very rarely will users report side effects when running Masteron. It has been used by many to negate the effects of estrogen by other compounds instead of running an AI. Again, though, this is person dependant and you should always have an AI on hand before running a cycle.
Androgenic Rating: 50
Anabolic Rating: 100
Masteron enanthate
Masteron e is only manufactured by UGLs. The strength can vary from lab to lab, however, the most common products come 200mg/ml.What Are The Side Effects of Masteron Enanthate
Any drug can have side effects and steroids are no different. Side effects of Masteron e can come in various forms yet it is considered a relatively ‘safe’ steroid to use.Side effects from steroids can affect the cardiovascular system, estrogenic and androgenic.
When using anabolic/androgenic steroids, it is essential to understand the risks associated with the use and also how to minimise the chances of them occurring.
It is important to note that not everyone will experience side effects from steroids. It is essential to know and understand the risk associated with them, though.
We can break down the side effects of Masteron enanthate into the following subjects;
- Estrogenic side effects
- Androgenic side effects
- Cardiovascular side effects
- Hepatotoxicity
- Natural testosterone shutdown
- Androgenic Side Effects Of Masteron Enanthate
If you suffer from male pattern baldness it is possible Masteron will increase the rate at which you are losing hair.
Estrogenic Side Effects
Masteron Enanthate has a very low rate of aromatisation. Users will rarely suffer from estrogenic based side effects from Masteron. Many people have actually reported on a cycle that running Masteron helped keep the aromatisation of other steroids at bay without needing to use an AI.Cardiovascular Side Effects
Masteron E can affect cholesterol levels by reducing HDL or ‘good cholesterol’ and increasing LDL ‘bad cholesterol’. This shift, over time, can result in the hardening of the artery walls and higher levels of fat in the bloodstream leading to strokes, or heart attacks if left unchecked and untreated.The increase in muscle mass and weight can also lead to higher blood pressure which can again, affect the heart and kidneys.
Running Masteron can also affect your blood ‘thickness’, by increasing your red blood cell count.
It is highly recommended for anyone thinking about running a cycle, or who has already run one to get blood tests done at least every three months. This not only allows you to know what is going in regards to your health but also make any necessary adjustments before starting.
Does Masteron Enanthate affect the liver?
Running Masteron E should not have any direct impact on the liver. It is important to note, though, high dose cycles or prolonged cycles could push liver markers beyond normal levels.Natural Testosterone Shutdown
Using any form of steroid will lead to the suppression of your natural test production. This often returns after the cycle has stopped. In rare cases or when users have been on cycle for prolonged periods, people can be shut down permanently or suffer from low testosterone levels for many years.PCT ancillaries such as HCG can help keep the testes stimulated and producing natural testosterone. It is usually taken as a part of a PCT (post cycle therapy).
Benefits of using Masteron Enanthate
- Great for lean muscle gains
- Very low chance of side effects
- Works fantastic on people with low body fat
- Fantastic for pre-competition
- Can bring a harder, grainier look to the muscle
Masteron Enanthate is often overlooked in the world of performance-enhancing drugs. This is mainly down to its mild nature, people often are not in the right ‘phase’ or in the best condition to really see what it can do.When a user has relatively low body fat and is looking for that final push to bring an overall better package to the stage then Masteron really comes to shine. In terms of side effects, it is quite manageable and even has some anti-estrogenic properties of its own.
Masteron enanthate is a lot more suitable for people who want to run a longer pre-competition phase or who like to cut slowly to preserve as much muscle mass as possible.
Overall, Masteron will make a great addition to a cycle and works fantastically synergistically with other compounds.