Guys admittedly when it comes to nutrition and diets/macros I have never been the most clued up of guys (shocking I know)
All my life I knew what to eat and lots of it to gain a lot of size but as I am getting older I am now becoming more self conscience not to overdo it and eat 90% clean
I know most these days make their own or use real food but I love this stuff, have used since I started out and can pick it up very cheap, plus super convenient,
I am aware we need sugars post workout and that's what this product is designed for but yesterday I did panic as I tapped away adding my log on MyFitnesspal and the words "this contains high amounts of sugar" well duuurrrrr but what I am asking is this type of sugar going to do me more harm than good four days a week?
Rest of my daily diet is bare minimum i'd guess around 20-25g sugars
Cheers fellas, with times and scene changing so much you start to doubt or question what you used to know or do lol

All my life I knew what to eat and lots of it to gain a lot of size but as I am getting older I am now becoming more self conscience not to overdo it and eat 90% clean
I know most these days make their own or use real food but I love this stuff, have used since I started out and can pick it up very cheap, plus super convenient,
I am aware we need sugars post workout and that's what this product is designed for but yesterday I did panic as I tapped away adding my log on MyFitnesspal and the words "this contains high amounts of sugar" well duuurrrrr but what I am asking is this type of sugar going to do me more harm than good four days a week?
Rest of my daily diet is bare minimum i'd guess around 20-25g sugars
Cheers fellas, with times and scene changing so much you start to doubt or question what you used to know or do lol