Post-workout shakes?



Staff member
Guys admittedly when it comes to nutrition and diets/macros I have never been the most clued up of guys (shocking I know)

All my life I knew what to eat and lots of it to gain a lot of size but as I am getting older I am now becoming more self conscience not to overdo it and eat 90% clean

I know most these days make their own or use real food but I love this stuff, have used since I started out and can pick it up very cheap, plus super convenient,

I am aware we need sugars post workout and that's what this product is designed for but yesterday I did panic as I tapped away adding my log on MyFitnesspal and the words "this contains high amounts of sugar" well duuurrrrr but what I am asking is this type of sugar going to do me more harm than good four days a week?

Rest of my daily diet is bare minimum i'd guess around 20-25g sugars

Cheers fellas, with times and scene changing so much you start to doubt or question what you used to know or do lol
Cnp new
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
I've quickly had a look at the ingredients and it seems to be mostly dextrose so that will be ideal for replenishing glycogen stores PWO mate. If you're only having 1 of those shakes a day (PWO) and you've got simple carbs/sugars under control in your meal plan I can't see this causing you any problems.

One thing to consider though is your pre and intra carb intake as that makes a big difference to how much sugar is actually needed PWO. If you've hydrated well during the session with electrolytes and simple sugars (or fruit juices/sports drinks etc) and you had a pre-WO shake too.... you probably won't even need any sugars PWO (or maybe just a very small amount).
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Well-known member
I've quickly had a look at the ingredients and it seems to be mostly dextrose so that will be ideal for replenishing glycogen stores PWO mate. If you're only having 1 of those shakes a day (PWO) and you've got simple carbs/sugars under control in your meal plan I can't this causing you any problems.

One thing to consider though is your pre and intra carb intake as that makes a big difference to how much sugar is actually needed PWO. If you've hydrated well during the session with electrolytes and simple sugars (or fruit juices/sports drinks etc) and you had a pre-WO shake too.... you probably won't even need any sugars PWO (or maybe just a very small amount).
Good post


Staff member
I've quickly had a look at the ingredients and it seems to be mostly dextrose so that will be ideal for replenishing glycogen stores PWO mate. If you're only having 1 of those shakes a day (PWO) and you've got simple carbs/sugars under control in your meal plan I can't this causing you any problems.

One thing to consider though is your pre and intra carb intake as that makes a big difference to how much sugar is actually needed PWO. If you've hydrated well during the session with electrolytes and simple sugars (or fruit juices/sports drinks etc) and you had a pre-WO shake too.... you probably won't even need any sugars PWO (or maybe just a very small amount).

Nice one mate great reply, I don’t take anything during workouts just around 1.5 litres of water

All other sugars are under control throughout the day so hopefully as you say, I should be fine here?
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Nice one mate great reply, I don’t take anything during workouts just around 1.5 litres of water

All other sugars are under control throughout the day so hopefully as you say, I should be fine here?

You will be fine with that 1 shake PWO mate.
I prefer to try and get some sugars in pre and intra to stop me feeling hypo and to keep energy levels high....but that's just a personal thing.