Tren hex and var cycle



New member

Looking for some advice, I started my tren hex cycle what will be 3 weeks tomorrow

I’m currently running each week, test prop 300mg, tren hex 300mg and var at 100mg a day

My diet has been spot on, clean carbs, fats etc and I have noticed I am heavier than I ever have been 106kg

What I am noticing though is I feel like I’m putting fat/extra water on and I’m not sure why ?

I don’t use an AI or caber as I’ve never suffered from any sides

The last week I have dropped the carbs slightly and fats but finding the extra weight isn’t shifting

Any advice ?



New member
Hi @F42ilford I’m thinking just maybe drop the tren to 150 mg per week, then start adding from there? Everyone is different, but for me 2:1 test:tren ratio works well. Best, most impressive body transformation for me ever was running 10 weeks of just test and tren blast. Have you used tren much before?



Looking for some advice, I started my tren hex cycle what will be 3 weeks tomorrow

I’m currently running each week, test prop 300mg, tren hex 300mg and var at 100mg a day

My diet has been spot on, clean carbs, fats etc and I have noticed I am heavier than I ever have been 106kg

What I am noticing though is I feel like I’m putting fat/extra water on and I’m not sure why ?

I don’t use an AI or caber as I’ve never suffered from any sides

The last week I have dropped the carbs slightly and fats but finding the extra weight isn’t shifting

Any advice ?

Are you trying to gain weight or drop body fat?

What was your weight pre-cycle and what it is it?

How many carbs are you eating per day?

Water gain is a normal part of the process.


New member
Hi @F42ilford I’m thinking just maybe drop the tren to 150 mg per week, then start adding from there? Everyone is different, but for me 2:1 test:tren ratio works well. Best, most impressive body transformation for me ever was running 10 weeks of just test and tren blast. Have you used tren much before?
Ok mate appreciate that, I’ll try dropping the tren and going from there and see how I get on


New member
Are you trying to gain weight or drop body fat?

What was your weight pre-cycle and what it is it?

How many carbs are you eating per day?

Water gain is a normal part of the process.

Drop body fat is my main goal

Before starting the cycle 3 weeks ago, I was hovering around 101kg and I’m currently now sitting at 106kg but it all seems like I’m a bit bloated and put fat on

I’m currently eating 350g of carbs a day


Drop body fat is my main goal

Before starting the cycle 3 weeks ago, I was hovering around 101kg and I’m currently now sitting at 106kg but it all seems like I’m a bit bloated and put fat on

I’m currently eating 350g of carbs a day
If you’re on 350g carbs at 106kg, I’d assume your protein is around 250g. Depending on your fat intake you’re probably eating anywhere from 3000-3500kcal. At that intake with training, it’s doubtful you’ve gained fat.

What you’re likely seeing is water and it’s quite easy to distinguish between if you feel the skin.

If you dropped your carbs out for 3-4 days I’d be fairly confident you will see the water drop and the abdomen tighten up.

Water retention is part of the game, and some get it more than others, like me.

Now what I would say, is if you’re trying to drop fat but the scale has jumped 5kg, then you may want to look at you’re diet. I’d expect a jump due to the effect of hormones on nitrogen, glycogen and sodium retention. But in combination with a calorie deficit I’d expect little net change.


Can't see Tren causing any bloat mate... It should make you more tight and hard looking.. I'd look more into your diet, sodium, and blood pressure... among those things first.


New member
Can't see Tren causing any bloat mate... It should make you more tight and hard looking.. I'd look more into your diet, sodium, and blood pressure... among those things first.
That’s what I thought bud, I was going to half the test to 150 and keep tren at 300

Ok mate I’ll keep eye on blood pressure etc and see how I get from there


New member
If you’re on 350g carbs at 106kg, I’d assume your protein is around 250g. Depending on your fat intake you’re probably eating anywhere from 3000-3500kcal. At that intake with training, it’s doubtful you’ve gained fat.

What you’re likely seeing is water and it’s quite easy to distinguish between if you feel the skin.

If you dropped your carbs out for 3-4 days I’d be fairly confident you will see the water drop and the abdomen tighten up.

Water retention is part of the game, and some get it more than others, like me.

Now what I would say, is if you’re trying to drop fat but the scale has jumped 5kg, then you may want to look at you’re diet. I’d expect a jump due to the effect of hormones on nitrogen, glycogen and sodium retention. But in combination with a calorie deficit I’d expect little net change.
Thank you mate appreciate the reply

Yeah spot on protein intake is 250g sometimes bit more

I’m going to drop the carbs down and see how I get on over the next few days might also get my bloods done too


That’s what I thought bud, I was going to half the test to 150 and keep tren at 300

Ok mate I’ll keep eye on blood pressure etc and see how I get from there
Means you're trying to rid body fat the low test, higher tren approach would seem more appropriate for your goals imo. You could try it and see how you get along. No harm in it.


Can't see Tren causing any bloat mate... It should make you more tight and hard looking.. I'd look more into your diet, sodium, and blood pressure... among those things first.
In some people it can cause androgen mediated edema. I get that issue and it’s pretty frustrating. It’s not overly common though and 300mg test / tren isn’t a huge dose. Testosterone increases sodium retention too.


Active member
I wudnt drop the tren yet as it hasnt started kicking in fully , hex takes a while to reveal itself and get to work ?


New member
I wudnt drop the tren yet as it hasnt started kicking in fully , hex takes a while to reveal itself and get to work ?
Yes mate I certainly won’t be dropping it and will finish my cycle on it

How long roughly does it take for hex to kick in ?


Well-known member
I’d post a photo mate then can gauge better on what you are doing what’s a full days eating look like how much activity are you doing


Lots of variables here to consider bud and to echo some of the lads they have covered some of them.
I have had varied responses with all esters of tren and all ratios to boot.

Photos are your friend here along with tracking food.
The comment about lowering carbs for a few days is a great shout, tidy up some and watch your feedback as you SLOWLY build food back in/up.
Hex is a slow builder as Comms says, I like to run it with ace for a few weeks as it builds.
Tren will make you hold water, all AAS does to varied extent and person dependant.
How is your water intake? 4-5 liters ed at least. Seriously consider your food intake, no need to tell us you're eating clean if you are really banging a bag of kettle crisps after your KFC then just be honest, I eat like a total cunt A LOT because eating clean sucks massive cock, however it will transform your look and you will look your best if you eat well.

Beer, weed, fags, pasta, potato for some, pastry and all the obvious will mask what lays beneath your skin.
Some lucky bastards can eat a ton of shit and still look good but as Ben says some like me only have to say the word carb and put on 3kg of water overnight.

I shouldn't say it but I would have some Masteron in there, real Anavar is the bomb but I've not personally had any decent Var in 2 years so a better bet for some quality dht would be masteron, Enanthate with the Hex probably 300mg ew would suffice and drop all orals.

Tren will destroy your gut flora, orals on top will spit roast you. Trust me.

Please forgive me if I am sounding patronizing, those that know me will tell you I just talk straight and given the questions in hand I have to assume we need to cover all angles.

Feel free to PM me or anything. Just here to help you get the most ouuuuttt of this crazy pursuit, and be safe.
Listen to the guys, monitor your food and let the mirror and performance be your means of feedback.
Leave the scales to once a week, weight means fuck all from day to day.
I can shit a kg in one go man and piss another.
Keep us posted brother


New member
Lots of variables here to consider bud and to echo some of the lads they have covered some of them.
I have had varied responses with all esters of tren and all ratios to boot.

Photos are your friend here along with tracking food.
The comment about lowering carbs for a few days is a great shout, tidy up some and watch your feedback as you SLOWLY build food back in/up.
Hex is a slow builder as Comms says, I like to run it with ace for a few weeks as it builds.
Tren will make you hold water, all AAS does to varied extent and person dependant.
How is your water intake? 4-5 liters ed at least. Seriously consider your food intake, no need to tell us you're eating clean if you are really banging a bag of kettle crisps after your KFC then just be honest, I eat like a total cunt A LOT because eating clean sucks massive cock, however it will transform your look and you will look your best if you eat well.

Beer, weed, fags, pasta, potato for some, pastry and all the obvious will mask what lays beneath your skin.
Some lucky bastards can eat a ton of shit and still look good but as Ben says some like me only have to say the word carb and put on 3kg of water overnight.

I shouldn't say it but I would have some Masteron in there, real Anavar is the bomb but I've not personally had any decent Var in 2 years so a better bet for some quality dht would be masteron, Enanthate with the Hex probably 300mg ew would suffice and drop all orals.

Tren will destroy your gut flora, orals on top will spit roast you. Trust me.

Please forgive me if I am sounding patronizing, those that know me will tell you I just talk straight and given the questions in hand I have to assume we need to cover all angles.

Feel free to PM me or anything. Just here to help you get the most ouuuuttt of this crazy pursuit, and be safe.
Listen to the guys, monitor your food and let the mirror and performance be your means of feedback.
Leave the scales to once a week, weight means fuck all from day to day.
I can shit a kg in one go man and piss another.
Keep us posted brother

Great response bud appreciate that

At the moment I would say I’m getting around 3L of water a day

November and December my diet was absolute dog shit, drinking, drugs and eating crap but I’ve always maintained as of start of the year I’m going to eat clean, minimise drinking and cut the drugs out and I have touched a thing since, my diet has been spot on so far, I’ve had 2 cheat days this month but even the cheat days weren’t bad

Not patronising at all, any feedback is welcome 🙏🏿

I was actually thinking of dropping the var, if I added masteron, what doseage would you recommend?

Also keep the current cycle at 300mg/300mg ?

Many thanks again


Yes just keep everything going as is but replace the Var with Mast E.
Your dosing is nice and moderate which is refreshing to read.
I would certainly pop in 300mg ew, you have the mystical trifecta then however keep an eye out for tightness as the mast kicks in, that and cramping, if so drop dose a tad or supplement with taurine (always a great amnio to have in there anyway)
Thank you for your honesty brother no judgement in this place I guarantee you.
Up the water if you can, I buy cheap 2l bottles x3 from my local shop so I can monitor my intake otherwise its guesswork.
Remember the most important thing is food and digestion, if protein is bb numbers then fibre absolutely needs to be on point.
Lots to consider.
We are our own experiments and we can only advise or share from experiences, however YOU may or may not respond completely differently, it's just that we must adhere to some basic principles if we are to try and manipulate our physiology.
Keep us posted bud