Vitamins you use


Just wondering what stack you use and where you buy yours from?


Staff member
Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Calcium

Edited: Sorry mate I just buy from whichever bulk supplier has the biggest discount on usually.


Well-known member
I use just a zinc magnesium calcium potassium vitamin b12 due to metformin depleting b12 that’s really it
Dbol Squirrel

Dbol Squirrel

Lightweights.., lol.
I use heaps.
As I'm knee deep in science and research I keep adding stuff. Must write an article about it all.

Vit C, D3, K2, B12, B3, Zinc, Magnesium Glycinate, Berberine, MSM, Boron, Resveratrol, Turmeric, Selenium, Quercetin, Bromelain and CEE.

My break-fast smoothie (actually midday because I do intermittent fasting) also is stacked with good stuff like spirulina, chlorella, cinnamon, flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, ginger root and bananas etc.
All with science to back them up.

I spend a fortune on suppliments. But.., I've not been sick or even had a cold for the two years I've been taking it all. And I used to get sick with EVERYTHING and be out of action for weeks at a time 4-8 times a year.
Dbol Squirrel

Dbol Squirrel

Lightweights.., lol.
I use heaps.
As I'm knee deep in science and research I keep adding stuff. Must write an article about it all.

Vit C, D3, K2, B12, B3, Zinc, Magnesium Glycinate, Berberine, MSM, Boron, Resveratrol, Turmeric, Selenium, Quercetin, Bromelain and CEE.

My break-fast smoothie (actually midday because I do intermittent fasting) also is stacked with good stuff like spirulina, chlorella, cinnamon, flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, ginger root and bananas etc.
All with science to back them up.

I spend a fortune on suppliments. But.., I've not been sick or even had a cold for the two years I've been taking it all. And I used to get sick with EVERYTHING and be out of action for weeks at a time 4-8 times a year.
And just ordered some Choline.


Well-known member
Lightweights.., lol.
I use heaps.
As I'm knee deep in science and research I keep adding stuff. Must write an article about it all.

Vit C, D3, K2, B12, B3, Zinc, Magnesium Glycinate, Berberine, MSM, Boron, Resveratrol, Turmeric, Selenium, Quercetin, Bromelain and CEE.

My break-fast smoothie (actually midday because I do intermittent fasting) also is stacked with good stuff like spirulina, chlorella, cinnamon, flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, ginger root and bananas etc.
All with science to back them up.

I spend a fortune on suppliments. But.., I've not been sick or even had a cold for the two years I've been taking it all. And I used to get sick with EVERYTHING and be out of action for weeks at a time 4-8 times a year.
Lol I would but it’s money stuff cost so much unless sponsored budget I need a part time job in porn 😂


New member
Supp needs cv stack
Liquid vit c
Mullien leaf caps
Seamoss, bladderwrack caps
Black seed oil

I use full boar supps for supp needs and
Cbdplug for herbs think ive coverd most lol


Lightweights.., lol.
I use heaps.
As I'm knee deep in science and research I keep adding stuff. Must write an article about it all.

Vit C, D3, K2, B12, B3, Zinc, Magnesium Glycinate, Berberine, MSM, Boron, Resveratrol, Turmeric, Selenium, Quercetin, Bromelain and CEE.

My break-fast smoothie (actually midday because I do intermittent fasting) also is stacked with good stuff like spirulina, chlorella, cinnamon, flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, ginger root and bananas etc.
All with science to back them up.

I spend a fortune on suppliments. But.., I've not been sick or even had a cold for the two years I've been taking it all. And I used to get sick with EVERYTHING and be out of action for weeks at a time 4-8 times a year.
Holy sh*t.... I couldn't afford all that, I scrape by with a basic multi vitamin, and whatever nutrition I get from eating and drinking 4 pints of milk 😅


Staff member
Pint of water with effervescent multi vit to wash down vit d, milk thistle, fish oil, glucosamine, quercetin, glutathione & finasteride