at the moment omega 3's supp needs multi vit and astrag flow...tudca and nac..250mg and 750mg respectively...vit d3 and looking at microdosing cialis as i am currently swapping sources.. currently cruising on 200mg test c p/w.
i am always looking at new things to investigate fully before adding to my stack and am currently sizing up zinc and p5p for future love a good read....just cant beat education in our sport of choice
5 greens (Tumeric, Circumin, ginger) - thanks @Micktb for recommending this product from ebay
Linders ultra garlic capsules
Dunning health stack
@didsmith123 i am always looking at new things to investigate fully before adding to my love a good read....just cant beat education in our sport of choice
I don't use any supplements as I don't think I'm deficient in any areas of health. I'm pretty sure that I get everything I need from my diet.
I've been thinking about maybe starting NAC or TUDCA as I can see a reason for that and I might start a daily multivit and omega 3/6/9 program too due to not eating much fish anymore, but I won't waste my money on anything else.
In my opinion, the diet is the most important thing you need to focus on the most. However, the topic is supplementation; I am currently only using a fat burner as I have recently indulged in some unhealthy food, and my body FAT has increased.