Gear compared to back in the day



Staff member
Just been thinking about all the gear I have done over the years compared to now and years back all the dunning products in my view are top drawer the best to date
But years ago there really was some funky stuff around I remember not being able to sit right the nxt day looking like I got three ass cheeks bits in the vials even small sticks but it never really stopped us
Now all so clean no pip fancy labeling use by dates even holographic images on stuff how it's changed and for the better


Well-known member
Bathtub gear reality just out 90s all Pharma products mid early 2000s people home brewing and getting it all wrong not sterile in a house not a sterile facility with Pharma equipment now you get Pharma equipment sterile facilitie to make it all in no more in your house lol


Staff member
Was all pharma when I started using early 2000s

Iranian and Egyptian test amps
Thai orals

Wildcat and Pro-Chem my first ugl’s, thought they was rather good at the time, until I landed on my feet lol


Staff member
Hear of far less abscesses now days though don’t you and infections

I do think some people was literally making it in gardens sheds


Worst pip i ever had was from a batch of test e that was made the ugl "TaylorMade" They've been gone for a few years now but my god, it was like injecting battery acid. And then I found Dunning Labs and haven't look back since.. Going on 3 years now. For as long as Dunning is around, I'll be a loyal customer.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
loved real omnadrens from poland

Problem was actually getting real ones though. Org Sust and yellow top deca had the same problem. Every order was like playing russian roulette.
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Worst pip i ever had was from a batch of test e that was made the ugl "TaylorMade" They've been gone for a few years now but my god, it was like injecting battery acid. And then I found Dunning Labs and haven't look back since.. Going on 3 years now. For as long as Dunning is around, I'll be a loyal customer.

I thought Dunning went under and vanished at the same time as bbmf?


Staff member
Thinking about Norma Deca & Iranian test makes me come over all nostalgic...
And makes me feel old!

Deca duraoblin hellas
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Staff member
Was all pharma when I started using early 2000s

Iranian and Egyptian test amps
Thai orals

Wildcat and Pro-Chem my first ugl’s, thought they was rather good at the time, until I landed on my feet lol
Wildcat were pretty good to be fair, tho their oils did smell like bacon.


Staff member
Wildcat were pretty good to be fair, tho their oils did smell like bacon.
WC was good mate but my delts and quads often paid a price, remember my other half always thinking I’d been eating frazzles in the bedroom