My TB-500 and BPC-157 log



Staff member
Other than light cardio I stopped training about 6 weeks ago, not through injury for once, just too busy to be able to dedicate the time it deserves.
Frustratingly about a week later I began to feel that slight but all too familiar twinge in my elbow, same as you @Kompany4 .
Then, a week later it worsened, and now, a few more weeks on and its sometimes so bad it makes even simple things painful such as lifting a rucksack, riding a bike or as Komp said previously, even brushing teeth!

Today was my first shot of TB500 & BPC157, and the same for me, nothing to lose.
The aim is to target a return to weights in 3 weeks injury permitting.
I'll let you guys know how I get on.


Staff member
Other than light cardio I stopped training about 6 weeks ago, not through injury for once, just too busy to be able to dedicate the time it deserves.
Frustratingly about a week later I began to feel that slight but all too familiar twinge in my elbow, same as you @Kompany4 .
Then, a week later it worsened, and now, a few more weeks on and its sometimes so bad it makes even simple things painful such as lifting a rucksack, riding a bike or as Komp said previously, even brushing teeth!

Today was my first shot of TB500 & BPC157, and the same for me, nothing to lose.
The aim is to target a return to weights in 3 weeks injury permitting.
I'll let you guys know how I get on.
Best of luck my man and thank you for the kind words.

This stuff really does work mate and works very well


Staff member
I'll be honest, I'm only pinning in belly, don't fancy the bruising & having to try to pin my elbow.


Staff member
I'll be honest, I'm only pinning in belly, don't fancy the bruising & having to try to pin my elbow.
Belly is cool mate as this stuff finds its way to where it needs to be anyway, I just thought the closer the better.

My bruising was freaky after that one jab and after it went away, I never bruised again. Maybe bad technique or just not used to it?

Good luck Bonus, be sure to update us mate with how it all goes, I smashed a push and pull so far since Saturday and no issues whatsoever but still keeping it relatively light and always will from now on.


Just wondering what did you do for exercise while it was healing
for me exercise helps my depression and without my proper routine I’m slowly starting to drop and give up which I don’t want to happen any tips??


Staff member
Just wondering what did you do for exercise while it was healing
for me exercise helps my depression and without my proper routine I’m slowly starting to drop and give up which I don’t want to happen any tips??
Hi mate

I think many of us are in the same boat and a big factor to why we train is the help it gives us mentally.

Unfortunately I don’t have many tips for you regarding what to do whilst healing as I timed my course to start/finish whilst I was healing up from hip surgery and a week away.

However had I been able to I would of probably done lower body splits and cardio whilst I couldn’t train upper.

Maybe try a couple of leg sessions each week and mix it up with stuff you may not always have done when your main focus is the weights.

Best of luck with it mate


New member
Any updates to this? Ive got tendonitis around both of my wrists which iv3 had for a very long time and seems to be getting worse.


Staff member
Any updates to this? Ive got tendonitis around both of my wrists which iv3 had for a very long time and seems to be getting worse.
Yes mate update is it worked absolutely amazingly and has never returned.

I train much smarter now and avoid the couple of exercises that I know triggered it, best thing I ever done was that blast.


New member
Other than light cardio I stopped training about 6 weeks ago, not through injury for once, just too busy to be able to dedicate the time it deserves.
Frustratingly about a week later I began to feel that slight but all too familiar twinge in my elbow, same as you @Kompany4 .
Then, a week later it worsened, and now, a few more weeks on and its sometimes so bad it makes even simple things painful such as lifting a rucksack, riding a bike or as Komp said previously, even brushing teeth!

Today was my first shot of TB500 & BPC157, and the same for me, nothing to lose.
The aim is to target a return to weights in 3 weeks injury permitting.
I'll let you guys know how I get on.
Bonus how did you get on with the belly shots? Did it work? Im thinking of doing the same protocol but just the BPC157 for my wrists. Im thinking subq belly as i have the boney little wrists of an 8 year old girl so minimal flesh to jab into 😄


Staff member
I did two 3 week courses and unfortunately it didn't help me personally.
No issues with the subq jabs
The pain remains in my right elbow but varies in intensity depending on training.
I just have to adapt my training accordingly to work around the issues and try to avoid exercises which I know will aggravate it.
Lower weight, higher volume works for me particularly when targeting tri's, bi's & forearms.
An elbow support has helped me more tbh, on bigger lifts such as presses.


New member
Yes mate update is it worked absolutely amazingly and has never returned.

I train much smarter now and avoid the couple of exercises that I know triggered it, best thing I ever done was that blast.
Did you go into fat or IM near the elbow mate? I tried this combo both into belly before and whilst I got anti inflamm benefit of TB500 it came back a while later but I'm thinking I'll run again and try the BPC closer to the problem maybe....


Staff member
Did you go into fat or IM near the elbow mate? I tried this combo both into belly before and whilst I got anti inflamm benefit of TB500 it came back a while later but I'm thinking I'll run again and try the BPC closer to the problem maybe....
Used a peg to pinch the skin right near the elbow point and injected into that mate


New member
Starting my TB-500 and BPC-157 regimen on June 1, 2024, with initial doses of 2mg and 250mcg respectively, I observed no immediate effects. By the third day, there was a slight improvement in flexibility and a minor reduction in inflammation. By day five, pain levels, particularly in my shoulder, had significantly decreased, allowing me to continue exercises with less discomfort. A week into the regimen, my range of motion improved, and swelling around the injury site reduced. By day ten, joint mobility had improved with a notable decrease in pain during physical activities. After two weeks, stiffness was further reduced, and I could engage in more rigorous activities with minimal pain. By day twenty-one, chronic injury areas showed significant improvement with minimal pain, indicating an accelerated recovery. Near full recovery was observed by day twenty-eight, with most exercises performed without limitation. The overall results by the end of June were very positive, marking a successful recovery journey.
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