my journey



Well-known member
Another day another 1 hour cardio done and fasting until later on appetite not high but will drink another green tea

Tomorrow carbs will be at 400g a week too see how I look on this
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Well-known member

Bicep tricep forearm
rope pushdown 4x12 50kg
1 arm rope 4x12 18-23kg
reverse 4x10 23kg
skull cable 4x8 23kg
kick backs 4x12 12-16kg
Pushdown 4x15 73-91kg

curl easy bar 4x15 30kg
Incline db 4x10 12kg
concentration curl 4x12 12kg
preacher 3x15 25kg
hammer 3x10 20kg
superset seated hammer 12kg 10

cable curl 3x15 73kg
dumbbell reverse curl 3x12 35kg
reverse forearm curl 3x12 35kg

30 min morning cardio
Had 1500 refeed yesterday didn’t do nothing lol but now dont neee too drop so much


Staff member
I can’t wait to get back training you know, your inspiring me to do plenty of forearm work mate, neglected that for a long time for some reason


Active member
Would be great if we saw some progress pics Darren ? Think it would inspire us all 😊


Well-known member
I can’t wait to get back training you know, your inspiring me to do plenty of forearm work mate, neglected that for a long time for some reason
I love forearm training bud right now zero pump but before would love the huge forearm pumps I think I’m the only guy in the gym who does them too even the big lads with huge forearms never do them lol


Well-known member
Leg press 3x10 300kg drops different stances
wide stance leg press 3x15 150kg
1 leg press 3x20 50kg
smith squat 2x10 140kg
2 leg curl 1x30 reps
1 leg 3x15 25kg
lunges 2 sets 40kg

standing hamstring 3x15 25kg
seated ham 3x12 32-2x45kg
Stiff db 3x20 30kg

Glute bridge machine 3x15-12 120-2x140kg

Abductor 3x15 73kg
Adductor 4x10 73kg

calves seated lean foward 4x15 60g drops

1 hour morning cardio
Was a brutal workout weight felt heavy legs shaking keeping cardio around 1 hour 45 minutes daily


Well-known member
thanks too dunning ♥️
this is going too get exciting

going too breakdown my cycle leading into the contest 6 weeks out Monday

Trestolone 150mg per week
mast p 500mg mast p per week
winni 100mg per day
proviron 150mg per day
var 50mg per day
halo 30mg per day
letro 2.5mg e2d to everyday

let’s start with Trestolone and why this compound Trestolone ment is 10x more anabolic than test 5x more than tren it’s the most superior anabolic we have from my experience didn’t gain any bloat on the above dosage complete transformation full 3D and metabolism was sky high burns through calories fat and since it’s high anabolic androgen level it helps lipolysis I will inject Monday-Wednesday-Friday

mast prop androgen and acts as a ai great hardness and keeping estrogen down also helps in lipolysis giving a dryer look will inject Mon-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday-Friday

winstrol again unbeatable and in higher dose from what I’ve read it shines massively most top competitor rate winni it gives a complete different look thinning the skin it lowers progesterone levels too which is good will split dosage pre cardio pre workout

Proviron mild ai and at higher dose same as winstrol gives a complete different look dryness grainy loss in water will split 1 morning cardio 1 pre workout 1 pre bed

anavar dryness veins fullness no water it’s also been shown too burn stomach fat in study’s and I read somewhere you want too combine anavar with winstrol as winstrol reduces progesterone and can cause dry joints and different collagen production var raises collagen very high and I read protects the joint issues winstrol can give and with the fat loss benefit will use with fasted cardio

halotestin king of complete recomp look extreme dryness and gives the muscle a fuller look it’s rating very androgenic anabolic and from what I read people have swore it helps the last bit of stubborn fat due too being so androgenic all androgens bind too fat receptors too and help lipolysis and it’s the best at suppressing cortisol big plus then it gives the dryness roundness grainy and stubborn fat loss it will help give the aggression energy during training and cardio I will split the dosage 1 morning cardio 2 pre workout

in 3 weeks I will update with actual progress photos and continue right through as I’m going too see some crazy good changes and cannot wait

My diet for now
calories 3300
Protein 300g
carbs 400g
fats 10-20g

this is based on 3300 calories total

I’d do much more protein but due too cost it’s staying here more would be ideal but it’s still enough carbs here too allowing me too now keep fullness and now with the hormones coming into it all just get dryer fuller if I need a high day I will and if I need too increase cardio I will too fats very low but I prefer this and find it the best way too diet if enhanced we don’t need support from fats other than omega 3-6 essential fats as it’s shown fat makes you fat quicker in a surplus carbs glycogen storage before fat gain so like on cutting phase less fat easier too get in condition and keep insulin sensitively good with cardio

Now I don’t need too drop food much more yet or cycle carbs as I was dropping weight on 400g carbs 1 hour cardio before cutting them down so I should still be changing with this intake but will go by mirror daily and weigh weekly take measurements if needed and adjust up and down if I need too on a daily basis

but the mirror is key now

This will be my training split 16th of may

training split
Monday chest bicep traps
Tuesday back traps forearm
Wednesday quad calves ham glute ad-ab
Thursday arms chest
Friday hamstring adductor abductor quad
Saturday shoulder chest back tricep
Sunday off

I will start Monday and see how I feel doing this even during this prep I think frequently hitting muscle groups works Arnold did it many guys this era did it Jay Juan morel etc and got even better so going with it and should see some better changes and allow too eat much more and it’s burning calories not that are training I’s for that purpose but I’m taken full advantage off this

Let’s go I’m motivated and ready too keep pushing hard 💪💪D521FF07 CA07 4BBF 990C F7DCB067892E2D14E740 0543 43F0 958F B8B74E894CD5
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Staff member
Quality & inspiring update mate 👏 Loving this journal!
Also loving the selection of goodies.
Sounds like you are fully motivated and are gonna smash these next 6 weeks 💪
Question mate, what made u opt for Letro?


Well-known member
Quality & inspiring update mate 👏 Loving this journal!
Also loving the selection of goodies.
Sounds like you are fully motivated and are gonna smash these next 6 weeks 💪
Question mate, what made u opt for Letro?
Absolutely over the moon dunning is the man
This will bring me sharp as can be muntzer style motivation is high now Absolutely cannot wait for this feel like competing more after too just want too do what I love without you guys support the forum I’d be lost it helps me massively and being able to document the journey just very grateful honesty easy said in words but really I am.

so many good people I’ve met and can’t thank everyone enough

The letro mate we’ll I’ve had a tiny gyno issue while back well been there for years hopefully it doesn’t lose points but it’s not that bad the doctor prescribed me letro on prescription as they refused too look at it further so I’m just going too use that since I’ve got it bud


Well-known member
decline bb 3x10 100-120-140kg 4 drops
flat press 3x10-8 80-100-120kg
fly cable seated 3x12 18kg
fly lower cable 3x12 14kg
machine press lower 4x10 52kg
machine high 4x12 52kg

warm up side rest superset rear bent over
rear delt bent over db 4x15 16-18k
rear delt db chest 4x12 14kg
side raise db seated 4x10 16kg
db side shoulder on seat 3x12 14kg
front cable one arm 3x12 5kg
rear delt machine 3x12 53kg
plated shoulder press 3x12-10 50-70-70kg

standing db easy curl 3x12 30kg
concentration db curl 3x12 18-20-20kg
preacher curl 3x10 30kg
hammer curl db 3x15 20kg

1 hour morning cardio

This was a tough session today felt gassed but kept going but too say it was easy would be a lie huge fatigue after 3 chest exercises but I love this and pushed myself through it at this point fatigue will be high but when I begin the blast it’s going too be unbelievable 💪
Functional Fitness

Functional Fitness

Well-known member
Your 6-day training routine is brutal mate especially the frequency you're hitting muscle groups with no time for R&R.
Most people would have total CNS burnout within a month doing what you're doing lol

Loving the journal and loving the Dunning pics too. Looking forward to trying their oils later this year.

Crack on and keep going mate (y)


Well-known member
Today will be no gym did my morning cardio fasted 1 hour tomorrow will be back trap triceps and also abs glutes each workout I might need too adjust training plan slightly but will asses that during the week