Search results

  1. Dbol Squirrel

    Health benefits of giving blood...

    Another study showing the unexpected benefits of donating blood or plasma. A reduction of 'Forever chemicals' like plastic particles. Good to know. :)...
  2. Dbol Squirrel

    Resistance training effect on sleep and cognition...

    Research done over a year with a good number of participants shows that resistance training is better for improving sleep quality and duration than either aerobic exercise or the two combined. I see more and more evidence these days that resistance training has been unjustly made less important...
  3. Dbol Squirrel

    Classic sayings...

    I am so going to use this in person with someone one day...
  4. Dbol Squirrel

    CBD buds to smoke...

    Having tried various oils I had given up on CBD as not doing anything for me. But a friend let me try some of this stuff and I've since ordered a few flavours. It's bloody good! Obviously not intended to get you stoned but really relaxing and good for pain and sleep. And it's nice to still roll...
  5. Dbol Squirrel

    Muscle training linked to longer lifespan...

    Nothing new about this but good to see they are still finding a positive correlation between strength and muscle training and a lower risk of death. In this study they found that even 30-60 minutes is enough. When combined with cardio the increase in life expectancy goes even higher.., by over...
  6. Dbol Squirrel

    That moment when... throw up just a little bit in your mouth because you're putting so much effort into that last rep. 😂
  7. Dbol Squirrel

    Health and lifespan expert videos...

    Do yourself a favour and watch this guys video's. I've been following this guy for years. He's one of the world leading experts on age and healthy lifespan. He knows his stuff. And some of the things he talks about (including how metformin works) should be known by everyone. He studies ageing...
  8. Dbol Squirrel

    3 second workouts...

    Sweet.., I'm sorted. This latest piece of research shows that just 3 seconds of resistance training (Esp eccentric) is enough for results. Hang on , I'll finish this post after my workout... tick tick tick, Ok, I'm back. That was leg day. Haha...
  9. Dbol Squirrel

    Email notifications

    I've turned off all email notifications in my settings but I'm still getting emails sent to me. Any idea what else I can do?
  10. Dbol Squirrel

    Anyone done the coast to coast

    I'm going to do it prob next year. Too busy this year. Anyone here into trekking and done any multi day walks? And did you go with a group and guide or do it self guided? The coast to coast is almost 200miles across three national parks. Always wanted to do it as it gets rated second only to...
  11. Dbol Squirrel

    'The better sleep series'

    Hey guys, So one of the things I do for a job is thoroughly research a subject that interests me, and write a comprehensive article about it with links to the science. One of those, is a four part series of articles on improving sleep called 'the better sleep series' linked below. There's...
  12. Dbol Squirrel

    Really good bodybuilder interview...

    Just watching this new vid on a youtube channel I follow. Really good tips from an experienced bodybuilder talking about what science has shown works for gaining muscle. Breaks it down nicely.
  13. Dbol Squirrel

    Any successful food experiments...?

    Sometimes you look in the fridge and think.., FUCK, I need to go shopping. :unsure: but I can't be arsed. Couldn't have turned out better this time. You know those packets of three giant wide mushrooms? I took out the centre stalk.., cracked an egg into each.., and covered it all with that...